Japanese girlfriend has bad opinions

With major recent events, her opinions are as follows

1. Ukraine should just surrender to Russia to prevent bloodshed. Ukraine is “stupid” for continuing to fight

2. Will Smith was correct to smack Chris Rock at the Oscars.

3. All foreigners should be forced to get COVID vaccine or be deported

  1. Wait you mean there are wacky opinionated Hanakos just like in your country of origin? That women might actually be capable of thinking and forming their own opinions which differ from yours and might not want to be convinced by your superiour male intellect that they’re incorrect?

    Say it isn’t so… please… /s

  2. You must run man though we don’t mind having a separate thread in the future on separate issues later on.

  3. So, now that you have established she is not worthy of marrying and having a family with, dump her. What’s the issue?

  4. Maybe I’m old or weird.. But I don’t really care. Plenty of people have goofy opinions. As long as they are acting right, I don’t see what the big deal is.

  5. Ask her what she thinks about Koreans in Japan. I can kind of guess her answer.

    Dump her is my advice. It’s hard to be in a relationship where people have opposite ideologies.

  6. If you can’t talk the issues through with her and either come to some understanding or have one of you change your mind then it sounds like there isn’t a future for the relationship. If you’re not looking for something long-term then I’d suggest doing less talking…

  7. As a Ukrainian I would like to talk to her and to show her a couple of pictures of what does it mean to be under Russian occupation.

  8. Ask her if she thinks Japan should roll over and surrender when China invades. Ask her if speaking Chinese for the rest of her life would be a boatload of fun.

  9. She must hate herself. She thinks dumb Xenophobic shit like all foreigners must be forcefully vaccinated or deported, and is dating a foreigner? Dump her ass. It’s clear that she’s going to create huge problems in the future with you.

  10. 1) Ask her if she would surrender if China invaded Japan (and in this hypothetical the rest of the world was unable to help Japan).

    2) Ask her if she still agrees if Will Smith was a Korean person and Chris Rock was a Japanese person.

    3) in an subjective viewpoint, I think ALL people should be vaccinated. But looking at it objectively, I assume she’s been vaccinated to have the audacity to say that? I can see it being a requirement for new incoming foreigners to Japan (if isn’t already?). But if Japanese citizens are not required to have it by law, then current foreign residents should not have to either.

  11. 1. She’s correct.
    2. Who cares?
    3. Probably the majority opinion in Japan.

  12. Bad is subjective, right? Everyone has a right to their own opinion. For example, I disagree with her completely on all 3 counts – but I wouldn’t say they are “bad”. They just contradict how I feel. It’s a good opportunity for you to explore and have some meaningful conversation with her. Ask her why she feels that way. It could lead to answers to other important questions you may have about her.

  13. You shouldn’t continue dating someone you feel contempt for.

  14. You’re looking at this in the wrong way. She’s showing you all this BEFORE you get married. It’s a blessing in disguise.

    She’s right about number 2 tho

  15. I guess you came to Reddit for confirmation of something you’ve already thought about? Well here it is:

    Run for the hills son, and don’t look back.

  16. Is she out and about making these demands or is it just something that came up in casual conversation? Who Will Smith punches is hardly the biggest issue facing the world today. It sounds to me more like ignorance than entrenched political views. I could live with my wife being in favour of the death penalty for example (she isn’t actually). While I think it’s horrendous and counterproductive I’m prepared to accept there are people who (wrongly) think it’s great and who disagree with me on a whole range of things. I don’t eat meat, my wife does etc etc.

    That said if she ever said Trump, Johnson or Brexit were good ideas there may be issues.

  17. This is a relationship issue, not a Japanese people issue. Seems like these things are important enough to your core values to prompt you to post. If your core values don’t align, the relationship won’t survive. Time to end it.

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