How much time should I spend on Anki daily?

So far I’ve kept the pace of 10 cards per day, and after 800 cards (core 2k/6k) it’s taking me about 30 minutes to complete each day.

I’d like to try increasing the number of new cards per day to 20, but I fear it taking too long every day to complete it.

Will the time to complete each day keep increasing over time or have I reached the “cap” at which it will stay going forward? Would I be fine spending one hour a day or would it be better to keep the new cards number down to better focus?

  1. IDK but here is some info to help you decide:

    * I did a thread where I asked people how much time they spend on vocab and the results were all over the place….if there is a consensus I don’t know what it is.

    * It probably would depend on the total time you study. E,g, 30 min, out of 7 hours of study/day is different than 30 min, out of 40 min of total study/day.

    * I do 30 min a day (which is 25% of my total study) because it would drive me nuts to do more. That leaves more time for reading which is much more fun than flashcards

  2. I would not do more than 50% of my study time in Anki, and would probably want to keep it closer to 25%.

  3. Personally it takes me a bit longer, because I always write out the vocab a few times in a notebook. And I also shadow the sentence audio as well. (aka read out loud)

    I mine my own vocab/sentences so some times the “sentence” I’m shadowing is more like a paragraph.

    1. Write the vocab a few time
    2. While I’m writing listen to the sentence without looking at the sentence
    3. Shadow sentence

    I personally like this process, cause you get a bit of practice of everything. Writing them out helps me remember the words better. And listening without looking at the sentence works on listening comprehension. Shadowing helps a bit with speaking

  4. Easiest way to decrease anki time is to rep faster. I’d rather stay around 30 minutes a day.

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