Which company accepts shipping to Canada?

I need to ship something to Canada but it seems Kuroneko Yamato and JP Post don’t accept parcel to Canada anymore. Is DHL, UPS the only options?

  1. if the post office isn’t doing packages there yet, then I believe DHL is the only one. Other carriers may use DHL planes and sell it as their own service.

    I saw an article a while back saying most airlines were going to increase flights back to their normal numbers at the end of this month though, and that was before travel restrictions were lifted even, so if you can wait a bit you might be able to use a cheaper method.

  2. Yep, and Fedex. However Kuroneko will send things to COMPANIES in Canada so if you can find a fulfiller or forwarder company of some kind… but yeah at that stage I guess it’ll end up as expensive as the others. But maybe you could send something tovthe company where the person you’re trying to send to works?

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