Frustration just reached a new peak.

Just now, 10 minutes ago.
A parent called and said her kid will have to join on Zoom today.
I hate Zoom but it is what it is with Corona. We have to adapt, I get that.

HOWEVER! I found out that the reason he’s doing zoom today is because it is raining outside!!!
I’m so fucking pissed. Zoom is not there to to cover for bad weather. It’s there because your kid might be in “Covid prison”.
I’m about done with this bullshit.
The frustration just reached a new level…. Breakdown is close my friends.

  1. Covid has unleashed so much unreasonableness upon us. This is just extra on top. I hate online lessons, they really are no where near as smooth as real life and really anything besides private tutoring is just cashing checks imho

  2. I’m assuming you work for someone else as opposed to being the business owner? You’re probably going to get a “ganbatte ne”. They get the money either way.

    If you are the person getting money… again… you’re getting the money either way.

  3. Welcome to the new normal of teaching- better improve your skills at online and hyflex lessons so it won’t matter so much how students join.

  4. Look at it this way. You are building a skill set that may be useful in the future.

  5. I don’t get your complaint. You get to teach online which is safer but admittedly more difficult. Is your anger towards not having that time off in normal circumstance if the kid is a no show but instead you had to teach?

  6. I get you, OP. It’s unfair for the students who physically come to class if one of their classmates suddenly asks to take the lesson online without a good reason.

    * You may have very little time to prepare a new lesson plan.
    * This type of “hybrid” learning simply doesn’t work very well. I don’t think I have to explain why.

    I would ask your office to make it clear to the parent that the students physically in the classroom will be given more attention than their kid, and their kid might have to not be included in certain activities. This way you don’t actually have to change anything and everyone will learn that they won’t actually get to participate much if they try to pull a similar trick.

    If your office won’t do this then I don’t know what to tell you.

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