Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (July 25, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. Does someone know the meaning of だって?
    I’ve seen it in many sentences and I know that, like on “まだ会社に入って 1年たってないでしょ?” is a casual version of ても, but it has a similar meaning on sentences like “逃げようたって そうはいかねえぜ” as well?

  2. Ways to say しないでください in keigo? I’ve noticed that train stations and other announcements tend to route around it like 無理なご乗車はおやめください and I’m wondering what other phrases are generally used for this purpose

  3. Is there a difference between these?




  4. 彼は一日でも早く運転手を必要としていたし、大場は信頼のできる男だった。もう十五年のつきあいになる。針金のような硬い髪をした、小鬼を思わせる風貌の男だが、**こと**車に関しては彼の意見に従ってまず間違いはない。

    Like, what the hell does こと mean in that sentence? Or rather, what *is* it?

    from 村上春樹の「女のいない男たち」

  5. Is this sentence correct? If not what’s wrong with it?


    Also what does 取りに do in the sentence if its even correct at all?

  6. When coming across 「良い」in text, is there a difference in reading it as 「よい」versus 「いい」?

  7. 結果は何億もの借金があることがわかった

    What does the 何億もの借金 mean? This is the second time I have seen it and don’t know what it means. Thank you in advance!

  8. So I did ask a related question to this in yesterday’s thread but I just needed more elaboration on a certain point.
    So this sentence that I came across:
    I was told that the は particle is used here to convey contrast but from the contrast function explanations on Google I couldn’t wrap my head around what exactly it was used to contrast like if I say
    Does that sound unnatural? And how exactly does it affect the meaning of the sentence?
    And thanks in advance:)

  9. Hello! I came across this sentence in a flash-card, and I’m having trouble understanding its grammar:

    > 私も多少だが魔法が使える。

    and it comes with the translation “I can use a little magic too”. I’m confused about how this sentence is constructed, though.

    So 「私も」, yup, “I also”. Got it. And 「魔法が使える」, “can use magic”, all good. And I know 「多少」is “a little bit”.

    But I don’t understand the grammar that’s going on here with the 「だが」. If it was 「多少の魔法」then that seems reasonable. Or just 「多少魔法」where it acts as an adverb. But as it is, with the copula, it looks like the “but” version of が after a full clause. Like “I also am a little bit but can do magic” or something, but that doesn’t fit the feeling of the translation. So it has to be the particle が, but then wouldn’t it need a nominalizer like 「多少なのが」or something? And even with that, it still doesn’t really fit into my brain that “a little bit” would be any kind of subject here.

    Is there anyone that can teach me how this sentence fits together?

  10. こんばんわ!「なんちゃって」は普通の会話に使える表現ですか?アニメで時々聞いているのでちょっと気になりました。

  11. Kindly correct.

    **Context:** Speaker is trying to encourage a broken hearted friend.
    >君の次の恋愛はより良くなるはずだよ。 “*Your next relationship can only be better.*”

  12. Need help writing kanji vertically with right meaning

    Hi, I want to write “dont know/shiranai” in kanji vertically.

    Can i just take 知らない
    And turn it like this:

    I want it for a tattoo. Hope its not a bad idea and I want it to be correct. Thank you

  13. How do you know which one it’s about
    For example: 先生 です
    How do I know if it’s, he is a teacher, she is a teacher, I am a teacher?

  14. Can someone help me understand the grammar piece “中々ーない”? I feel like I somewhat understand and don’t when it comes to meaning and usage. Can I have some example sentences and your own personal meaning to help me out?

  15. In the sentence: メアリーさんは木曜日にカフェでたけしさんに会いました
    Why is is there a に particle after たけしさん and not a を ?

  16. Are Kayo senseis Hiragana and Katakana Textbook worth the 20$, or is this maybe even just a question of “is it worth that to you?”

    I don’t want to be judgy, I just can’t decide whether to get it or not.

  17. What is the meaning of “べ” in sentences like “どうしたんだべか?” and “冗談に決まってるべさ” ?

    Is that part of a dialect?

  18. What’s going on with the verb(s) in this sentence? At first I thought it was a shortened / spoken version of ~ておく, but it seems to follow a different form than I’m used to and that doesn’t seem right.

    > 英治君に… ケンの様子ちょっと**聞いときたい**んで

    Context: This sentence is from a show, and the speaker is about to undergo surgery but wants to make a call to a friend taking care of her dog.

  19. When speaking formally does the く in negative い adjectives turn into では or じゃ or does it still remain as く?





  20. not a question but just here to say fuck 昨日 all my homies hate 昨日

  21. Hello, I’ve been studying Japanese for a long time now but only recently I could dig more into studying kanji so you might imagine that a whole new world opened up before my eyes.

    I’m currently working on a RPG campaign set in a fictional Japan and one of the characters is a homage to Bleach’s Kuchiki Byakuya, his weapon is called Kuraizakura and his name is supposed to be Kageyoshi, both a reference to Byakuya’s bankai/ultimate ability “Senbonzakura Kageyoshi” (千本桜景厳). I’ve had some trouble finding out why did Sakura sounded like Zakura in this sentence but I could figure it out by reading some articles about it.

    The problem is: no one actually knows what does Kageyoshi stands for exactly. On one hand, the English official dub translated it to “Vibrant View/Landscape (of a Thousand Cherry Blossoms)”, but, on the other hand, I saw some redditors pointing out that 景厳 should be translated as “Display of Strictness/Discipline”. Plus, Google Translate changes the last character to 能 everytime so it also get me confused. When I try 景厳 it reads “kengei”.

    Anyway, my question is: can I name my character Kageyoshi using 景厳 to write his name or should I use 景能? And is that okay if I keep the “Kageyoshi” reading since it was used like this by Bleach’s author Kubo Tire?

    Thanks a lot for those who can answer me and help with this vital question!

  22. I’m having issues learning 越す and 越える. The former doesn’t take a direct object and the latter does, right? But it seems like in all the example sentences have both verbs go over something, using を.

    船は今夜赤道を越すだろう。The ship will cross the equator tonight.

    地球人の一人として、私は文化の壁を越える方法を知っています。As a citizen of the world, I know ways of overcoming cultural barriers.

    If someone could help me wrap my head around the difference, I’d really appreciate it!

  23. What is the meaning of “けさ” in “しかし気分がいいのはちょっとの間だけさ” ? Is that an abreviation of “っけ” with the assertive “さ”?

  24. These are the first 10 kanji I have learned. When you were first learning, how many kanji did you learn per day?

    人, 一 , 日, 大 , 年, 出, 本, 中 , 子 , 見

  25. I can’t find a meaning for “きめよっか” does anyone know?
    Sentence: また日、きめよっか

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