Engineer with Working Holiday Visa

Hi everyone I rarely do posts consulting things, but this quite worring. I do this post just to asking your opinion. I moved to Japan with my girlfriend three months ago, we are from Argentina, both engineers (me electronic, she civil) and we applied to Working Holiday Visa. Since we couldn’t apply for jobs from our country (because we needed to be in Japan) we started to seek for jobs here in Japan. At the moment we have tried many manners to get a job of our profession but as junior, just for doing any little technical job, but as I see is impossible. We uploaded resumes in many websites and had interviews but they reject because the Visa or the japanese level (we are studying to get N5/4) in Dicember. Do you know any simmilar case? Thank you.

1 comment
  1. Most jobs want JLPT N2 as the minimum and realistically you two are far away from that level Japanese wise, Civil might even require you to be N1 cuz of its workings with city governments. It’ll be hard if you don’t have a lot of experience to find a job especially since your Japanese isn’t strong enough. Also are you certain that the you can switch from a working holiday visa, certain countries do not allow one to change their visa status (for work reasons) while they are on said working holiday visa.

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