What are the diffrences between East and West Japan. When it comes to following rules and there work culture?

Got the chance to choose where to work. Not sure, would love some input to what to decide on.

  1. Can you be more specific? “West” is pretty diverse. Osaka seems fairly relaxed. Ishikawa has a lot of companies with a more, um…, shall we say, “traditional” work culture, but also several that are young and forward thinking.

  2. Eastern electric grid uses 50Hz, west uses 60Hz. I think that’s kind of weird, in this day and age.

  3. There are regional differences beyond just East and West, so it depends on exactly where you’re going.

  4. People are warmer and friendlier in some ways the further west you go Osaka is just the start. That being said there are enough idiosyncrasies to make it hard to make sweeping statements beyond that

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