How Accurate is Jisho’s JLPT Level Data?

I am currently going through the Sou Matome 500 N3 question book in preparation for the N3 this December and I can’t tell you how often I look up a word in Jisho to add it to my Anki deck and the tag is N2. Numerous vocabulary questions in a row where the correct answer (and frequently many of the choices) are all N2 on Jisho. I looked at the guys website where they get their data from and he doesn’t really have any information about him or his methodology.

The grammar also seems much harder than the official practice test I took, I get nearly ever grammar question wrong on practice but the mock exam I got a 120 without any N3 prep months ago (not to mention only getting one wrong in the vocab section). Are workbook resources frequently more difficult the test or am I way out of my league?

1 comment
  1. Sou Matome is known for being one of the easier textbook series. It seems like people who have the time use the Sou Matome series as prep for moving on to more ‘difficult’ series such as Shin-Kanzen Master.

    I used the 500問 N2 book for the JLPT and found it helpful and at an appropriate level for N2 study material.

    Edit: General advice seems to be to subtract 20 points from your practices tests and then you will see a more realist view of what your likely score will be on the official JLPT test.

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