There is someone in my company building who does know how to take sh** and flush

Sorry for the misspelling header, it has to be like ” **There is someone in my company building who does not know how to take a sh\*\* and flush**”

This case is for 2 years. The company I work for is located in a ビル in Tokyo with many other mid-scaled companies. On the floor we are located, there is a toilet for men with 2 seats and 2 urinals. I use the toilet around 2-3 times a day and all the time using seats.

Anyways, I was seeing one of the seat toilets as unflushed at least once I week. And my colleagues also, so think about the rate. By the way, we are the only gaijins on that floor.

We are sure about this guy is the same guy, because he has diarrhoea all the time and its colour is the same all the time so it’s unique and belongs to one specific person.

I was flushing it because if I don’t flush that one and use the other then leave the toilet, people will think I did this and think like oh these gaijins bla bla. The country I came from, has the highest toilet culture and I can not let people think something like this about me and other innocent gaijins.

My friend was also flushing because of similar reasons I suppose. He was encountering more than me. We started to use the other floors’ toilets.

Anyways, this mysterious person who does not know how to take sh\*\* stopped for a while around two weeks. He was doing it for the same seat. Then someone put a note onto the wall of that toiled as \[しっかり流さない人がいます。お気をつけてください。\] which means “Use the f\*\*\*\* flush” in a kind way of Japanese.

Just a week later, I thought this mysterious guy got his lesson and will care about this. I went to the toilet and there was a disgusting smell, directly checked the seats, but there was nothing. I went to 2nd seat and was shocked by what I saw. There was sh\*\* residue on the seat where we sit and on the floor. This guy tried to swipe it but could not. It can be seen clearly. And residue on toilet paper. I directly went out of the building to take some fresh air. This time he did this on the other toilet.

The thing is, everyone in that building seems nice and well-dressed salarymen. Anyways, I really felt sorry for the janitor. She is a nice person but has to encounter this.

The day after, a second note was put there: \[便座を汚さないように使用してください\] which means “use the seat without sh\*\*ing on it”.

I think this guy has more surprises for the future. He can hide himself professionally. I have some guesses but can not blame anyone. Just want to make building management that we gaijins are not responsible for this.

Any advice?

The notes:[Note-1]([Note-2](

  1. I’m curious, what’s this country you’re from with the highest shitting culture?

  2. poor people in that floor that have to brave themselves everytime they want to take shit

  3. This happened in my home country as well. Professional 40-50 something public servants who had weird shit fetishes, couldn’t clean up after themselves in the kitchen, put food in the bin etc.

    Hell, a few years ago they finally caught some higher up old dude at a company who was doing public shits while he was out jogging.

    Fucking weirdos aren’t limited to Japan, by any stretch.

  4. I have seen this all over the world and I don’t understand it. Who the fuck takes a shit and then just stands up and leaves without flushing it. Is it some fetish or something? They’re sick in the head.

    I’ve also ‘caught’ a guy doing it here by walking into the cubicle right after them (waiting when the rest were full) and they looked just like a normal young salaryman. I just don’t get it.

  5. This story is so shitty, even the fact that you need shit 2 to 3 times a day at work just passes under the radar.

  6. Just use the urinals to pee to lower the probability of seeing this. If you encounter a shit in the urinals at least you know who this guy hates.

  7. Some people have bad bowel problems I guess. It must not be pleasant to have to shit like that all the time. Imagine where they live.

  8. I’ve posted about this before, but there’s a guy at a joint that employs me who once in a while decides to defecate on the floor, next to the toilet.

  9. Very entertaining thank you for sharing your case files with us and I hope you catch the culprit brown handed soon. I especially enjoyed your translations of the bathroom signs lmao.

  10. Have you seen Better Call Saul? Maybe someone wants to get fired without cause

  11. *”The thing is, everyone in that building seems nice and well-dressed salarymen.”*

    I’ve been a workin’ man for quite a few years now and trust me… wearing a suit and tie in no way excludes you from being an absolutely disgusting dirty filthy animal, believe you me.

    Some of most disgusting human behavior can be found in the dreaded office block toilet, kitchens, tearooms, break rooms etc

    Someone should do a sociological study on it if they haven’t already!

    And I’ll underline the fact that *this is definitely not* a Japan-only phenomenon!

  12. Yeah, all kinds of weirdos out there in the world.
    Some don’t check to flush, some don’t check their titles before pushing the post button on Reddit.

  13. This thread has me gagging and laughing at the same time. I saw something similar in a station toilet once. Just looked like someone fucking exploded shit everywhere, somehow. There were trashbags filled with attempts at cleaning it all up.

    The mind boggles.

  14. “The country I came from, has the highest toilet culture” is the point where I realized “oh, he’s not as dumb as a post, just trolling.”

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