Had sushi for the first time in my life today. Here’s what I think of it.

I’m 44, not fussy about food at all. I eat everything, had chicken feet, pig’s ears, love pork intestines they can be so tasty when prepared correctly. Love dim sum, vegetables, salads, all meats, fish, seafood in general, soups, I have never not tried anything that was put in front of me. Korma of Phaal curry, everything goes.

But I’d never had sushi in my life. Today I picked up Yo! Crispy Salmon Rolls from my local Tesco [Yo! Crispy Salmon Rolls 169G – Tesco Groceries](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/306814462) as I was curious.

Didn’t have a clue what to expect. Now I know this is probably some low-quality sushi, even compared to any sushi restaurant, not to mention all the high-end stuff out there with some high-quality, super fresh fish.

But I enjoyed it! Surprisingly nice as a snack. I’ll have to start exploring more about sushi.

  1. Get yourself to a sushi restaurant, sushi from a Tesco (even if it is YO Sushi brand) is not a good representation of what sushi should be. Do yourself a favour, you will not regret it!

  2. _the worst possible first time try for sushi anyone could possibly have. go to a Japanese sushi restaurant, not Thai, Chinese, Korean, random Asian buffet; go. to. a. Japanese. sushi. restaurant. this is like a virgin trying a pocket pu$$y to see what sex is like…not even close. and you downvoters are goons for thinking anything else_

  3. It sure does take a long time to make it to sushi when you’re apparently trying every kind of food on the planet. Have you had pizza yet, I can wholeheartedly recommend it.

    Edit: /s

  4. There are so many health benefits to sushi that you may end up craving it alot! The nori is dried seaweed, which is a super food. Lots of vitamins and minerals. The fish, depending on what you get, will have the omega 3 fatty acids and iron. There’s more benefits, but I’m no expert, so I’m gonna leave it at that

  5. Good. You enjoy the flavor profile. Now treat yourself to some real sushi in a good sushi restaurant. Your mind will explode.

  6. Please post a follow-up when you’ve had more sushi! Would love to know what you think.

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