When will I be able to understand?

Hello guys, I normally don’t write here so much, but recently I got demotivated because I still can’t understand longer sentences in basic Japanese.

I finished genki 1 and 2, I also tried out RTK but I didn’t finish it because it was to much at once for me. In addition to that I got like 100+ hours of listening practice.

I can understand basic short sentences like 俺が相手だ。 when free flow listening to anime’s for example. But when sentences are longer and there is a huge pile up of words i still can’t understand it even tough I would know the single words of the longer sentences themselves.

I hope this is not only me and so I thought of asking the community. Can you guys tell me if this is a problem or if this is normal and will get fixed? How should I approach this?

Just by listening more?

I appreciate every1 who tries to help. Thank you in advance.

  1. I’d say read comprehensible stuff and grab random words that pique your interest

  2. Listening doesn’t help much if you don’t know the words you’re hearing. What I did was watch anime with JP subs and looked up every word I didn’t know, then replayed the line now that I understood it. I also watched Nihongo no Mori grammar videos on YouTube. I was probably at N3 level then.

  3. > But when sentences are longer and there is a huge pile up of words i still can’t understand it even tough I would know the single words of the longer sentences themselves.

    Try listening at 0.75x speed, and seeing if that helps?

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