Am I above or below the norm? How is your progress compared to mine?

Hello, I have been studying for 14 months (started Sept 2021) now and I have read 8 books, can watch anime and shows without subtitles even 99% of the time, and played some visual novels, I also know around 3200 kanji and I passed the N3 in December with 131/180 points and took the N1 this summer (waiting for the results).

So, am I above or below the average? Am I mediocre? I never joined communties online so I don’t know if I am doing well or not, I’m curious, let me know your progress too if you want

  1. Considering that N3 usually takes 1-1.7k hours of learning and that you passed it with a good result, then I would say slightly above average level.

  2. how many hours/day did you do

    seems you are way ahead

    3200 kanji is also a weird amount

    Also, not saying this is related but FYI, there is also a person who keeps posting here on an account like this (only one post in the history) with something like your result. E.g. “I learned 4,000 kanji in one year” is his/her post. And then they delete their own account. Very weird.

  3. People have a wide range of things they mean when they say they “read” books.

    Do you mean it in the sense that if asked to read aloud you could do so? Or in the sense that you went through decoding/decrypting the text with dictionaries and reference materials? Or in the sense that you just kind of relied on guesswork based on RTK(ish) knowledge of kanji meaning, knowing some of the grammar, and guessing the rest? Or something else?

  4. I think you’re doing pretty good. It’s hard to remember now cause I’ve been studying for 6 years but you’ve probably beat my pace by a bit.

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