Hokkaido 7 Day Jan Winter Itinerary

Hey there, just wanted to get some help/opinions on this itinerary that I planned out for my family and I in Hokkaido. We are going from the Jan 22 – 28th, this is my second time in Hokkaido but will be my first time skiing there.
While in Hokkaido I am wanting to go skiing by myself while my parents go and do other things like sightseeing etc.

Day 1: Arrive in late afternoon in Tokyo and take late flight to Chitose airport, we arrive at around 11pm so will be staying at Chitose Airport Terminal hotel.

Day 2: Take either bus/train into Sapporo city, explore the different parts of the city for the day and check in at hotel.

Day 3: Wake myself up early and take bus to either Kiroro / Teine ski resort as a day trip and bus back to Sapporo. (Ski equipment rental will be available on site?). Parents will take bus to Otaru as a day trip and also bus back to Sapporo.

Day 4: Wake up early and take bus to Niseko to ski for the day while parents explore the Niseko area (or maybe go to Lake Toya?) Check-in at a hotel in Niseko (Not sure whether to stay/ski in Moiwa or Grand Hirafu, Moiwa seems like there less people but Hirafu seems like theres more people and restaurants but skiing is better?)

Day 5: Another early wake up and check out to take bus to Rusutsu for day ski, afterwards take bus to Noboribetsu (or maybe just ski in Niseko and not sure if I’m able to ski and travel to Noboribetsu on the same day?) Not sure on what parents will do that day, maybe take bus from Niseko directly to Noboribetsu and check in early and relax.

Day 6: Visit different attractions in Noboribetsu and relax at onsen.

Day 7: Check out and take bus to Chitose airport and fly back to Tokyo. (Is there anything between Noboribetsu and Chitose that is worth taking a stop and visiting?)

In general, I’m quite worried about the transport on Day 5 from either rusutsu or Niseko to Noboribetsu after my day ski as I will need to be making a transfer somewhere between the two locations.

On day 4, I originally planned on just staying at Rusutsu and not going to Niseko as I heard its just filled with international people in Niseko however Rusutsu doesn’t offer much accommodation and accommodation there is very expensive.

Also on day 3 wondering if a day trip to kiroro for skiing is possible or if it is a bit of a stretch, I know that Teine is possible as a day trip from Sapporo.

Sorry for asking so many questions as I would like to be as prepared and organised as possible.
Any suggestions/help is much appreciated!

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