Anyone else finding Rakuten Link to have become almost completely unusable?

I was a keen adopter of Rakuten Link, one year free service is hard to turn down. And even now unlimited talk time for so cheap is really something.

But, the service has become practically unusable. Waiting forever to connect when calling, dropped calls left and right, and now commercial messages popping up in Link when I try to make a call. I have started using Line to call people because Link is so broken.

  1. It’s a Rakuten product, I don’t know why you ever expected quality or usability.

  2. What area are you using it in? I haven’t experienced any major issues recently (in Tokyo).

    (Are you perhaps in an area that recently transitioned to Rakuten’s towers? Though if that were the cause, it would effect Line as well.)

    Also, are you connected to WiFi as well? I’ve had issues on certain networks not playing nicely with WiFi calling and the app not properly using LTE.

  3. I’ve never used it (I have Rakuten). If I do need to actually call someone, which is very rarely, I use Line/WhatsApp/Wechat voice or video call using data.

    Do you need to call a lot of people you’re not connected with?

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