14 Day Itinerary Check – tokyo/kyoto/hiroshima/miyajima & autumn colors?

Edit: this is Nov 2022, sorry if it should have been in the title!!

First, I know it’s too early for peak momiji, but these are the dates I can do. I’m happy to see the ginkgo leaves or really anything. I don’t experience a fall where I’m from. I’ve been to Japan many times, hence no strict plans.

*Nov 10-13: Tokyo*

Thinking of a **day trip to Takao-san**. I would do Nikko but I know the colors peak in October. Unless you’d still recommend it? Despite going a lot I have never been to Nikko though.

Alternatively, I like Hakone a lot! but then again it’s a hassle compared to Kawaguchiko. Which I have also been to like 3 times.. but I understand the fall colors are nice there.. I can’t decide! **Basically I think one mountain day trip would suffice, so help choosing would be great.**

Other than that, just some **exploring, good food and shopping.**

*Nov 13-18: Kyoto*

(In no particular order)

Day trip to Osaka for **Universal.**

Visit **Kibune.**

Visit **favorite temples and shrines.**

**Nara?** Bored of it honestly but maybe if the trees are looking nice?

Long **day trip to Ise?** It’s far but I’ve done Hiroshima & Miyajima from Kyoto in a day so seems long but feasible? Just trying to pick some destinations I haven’t been to.

An alternate hassle-y day trip option, **Koya-san**.

Between Kyoto and Miyajima, I’d like to stop for a bit in **Kurashiki**.

*Nov 18-19: Miyajima*

Planning to leave luggage at Hiroshima station (or wherever convenient/available) and just take a day bag so I don’t have to lug it around. I know the momiji are likely to be a little late this year… but hoping for Miyajima to be the star of the show on that front.

*Nov 19-22: Hiroshima*

Day trip to **Fukuoka or Beppu**

Nothing in particular planned. I just like Hiroshima. Maybe another day trip somewhere if I have the energy.

*Day 22-23: Back to Tokyo*

A night to be closer for the flight out. The flight isnt til the late evening, so there’s a bit of time to explore and relax.

So that’s it! I guess I’m questioning if it’s structured funny or if there’s something I should skip or am missing entirely… I swore my next trip was going to be Kyushu focused but I have never really experienced autumn, so that’s why there’s such a focus on that. I’m thinking Kyushu would be more suitable for a warm weather trip.

I’m not above completely rearranging things though! Originally I wanted to visit mostly new places but am ending up staying in places I’ve already been… it’s a lot easier and I enjoy them all, but I’m worried it’s playing it too safe. But that’s why I injected day trips in.

  1. Nikko is more scenic with more attractions, if I were you I’d still go, with that being said, you still can’t go wrong with Takao san. If you’re bored of Nara maybe just skip it, might as well take the time to visit new places, apart from Ise which might be too far away, how about Koya san or places in Shiga (metasequoia tree lined road, Hikone castle etc)?

  2. I love nikko. Finally bite the bullet and went there after a couple of time in Japan and cancelling my trip to Nikko. Its a very leafy mountain area with beautiful shrines and temples. Still one of my favourite places I visited in Japan.

    One note, if its quite rainy and cloudy do skip going to the waterfall and the lake as it can get very misty. The chuzenji lake and the kegon waterfall was not visible at all to me and I think I wasted another hour on bus to travel to them. But Nikko is absolutely charming even with rain and mist.

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