Importing whole dried chiles and hominy into Japan?

Also would like suggestions to what to ask for in a USA care package if this falls through.

A friend wants to send a care package and my most recent craving is pozole. I know from experience that ground spices can come in with little problems, but what about whole spices/chiles? Especially since the Mexican supermarkets back home don’t exactly have superb packaging (baggy with the brand stapled at top). If it’s not allowed, or I’ll have better experience buying locally (I am in Hokkaido, Sapporo is accessible, but I have no car) I’ll do that and ask for something else.

For comfort foods I have a huge amount of takis sitting in my cabinet, and a stock of abuelitas, so I’m at a loss for what else to ask for in a care package food related, so if there are suggestions that’s also nice.

1 comment
  1. My Spanish isn’t great, but I don’t think you’re supposed to eat Abuelita.

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