JLPT Sentence Rearrangement exercise (star exercise)

Hi guys!

The post is for people who have taken the JLPT exam. I am having a tough time with the star sentences exercise – is there any approach/strategy (or how do you approach the exercise) to increase the chance of solving it?
I know a lot of vocabulary and grammar but when it comes to that kind of exercise – I am just lost 🙁 Thanks in advance!



  1. You just try which words fit until it makes sense and then the word in that arrangement that is in the space marked with a star is the answer

    If you can’t intuitively tell what’s natural and what isn’t, get more input. If you’re genuinely at the level you’re trying for rather than just studying to pass the test it should be almost second nature

  2. Try every word in the first and last spot and also check if their are words that are a set phrase in the answer.

    The first part is つくえの ー が and に do not make sense here, so you know it is 上or ペン.
    あります。ー上 and ペン also don’t work here because they need a particle in between. You should be familiar with the grammar expression があります telling you the last spot is が。

    Now you have つくえの_ _ _ があります。

    Do the same thing for がーに and 上 do not work here. に is another particle and にが is not correct. 上があります sounds weird. There is up. It does not make sense, so this tells you the third spot is ペン.

    The first part told us after つくえの it had to be 上orペン and we only have ペン left.


  3. Do you “know” the grammar in the sense that you can apply it and form your own correct sentences using it? Or do you “know” it in the sense that you’ve read explanations of it but never tried using it yourself?

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