What do people use for comprehensive imput?

Like what do you use consistently? Ex. Tv shows, Books, Games etc.

  1. yes.

    VNs mostly, i find them easiest to get immersed in and do for extended periods of time. Books otherwise because you can do it anywhere easily. For listening, youtube, dorama, anime, whatever i feel like at the time.

    I’d avoid games until I’m very confident i can read most things otherwise it would take away the fun

  2. Anime, audio books, Youtube, and TV shows. I’ve also read a few light novels and short stories and stuff like that. If you’re struggling to find anything comprehensible then lower your expectations and try to go for a smarter approach. Instead of, for instance, trying to understand the entirety of a show, I recommend you find one word or concept you want to investigate in depth and cast a wide net.

    For instance if I was a beginner watching anime and the word 運動 came up and I didn’t know it, I might google that word specifically, read the first few sentences of its Wikipedia entry, watch various YouTube videos on the topic, etc.


    Basically the point of this exercise would be to move away from the impossible task of forcing yourself to understand something that’s incomprehensible, and instead just focusing on getting your brain to be vaguely familiar with a few words which are used in whatever you were watching.

    Maybe repeat this process for 4 or 5 words per episode. Then maybe watch that episode on repeat a few times over the next few weeks or months.

  3. Anything, but there are 2 points. Visual can help a lot, so anything with it like manga is significantly easier for understanding. Anything with text increases your speed. It’s both, easier to translate and faster to read than speak.

    Thus manga or visual novels are more approachable.

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