With prices rising, Japanese parties promise wage hikes to voters

With prices rising, Japanese parties promise wage hikes to voters


  1. Labor has had the numerical upper hand for 20 years, why does this need to be handed to them? It’s kind of pathetic really

  2. Haha. Enjoy the next 30 years of a crap economy. oh wait. I guess that will make it 60. Yikes.

  3. Of course this sub is one to get all huffy and puffy over the idea of increased wages 🤓

  4. The Japanese voters should be careful when they select their local leaders in the upcoming elections.
    Plus they should request the constructive idea that how those candidates can raise employees’ salaries in workplaces, which is that those candidates should come up with detailed explanation processes about that.

    Supposing that those candidates build a bill that company owners should raise higher salaries for employees unconditionally in Japan’s diet, voters could believe what they said & their campaign slogans.
    If they can’t suggest reasonable opinions to try that, voters shouldn’t believe what they said.
    Since those candidates will change their attitude after they become winners.

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