Curious About Teaching at an International High School

Hello All!

I am going to finish my CA preliminary teaching credential this December. I plan on teaching for at least 5 years in the US to complete my CA requirements to turn my preliminary into a clear credential (a bunch of CA teaching jargon for becoming a fully credentialed teacher).

I am a JET Program alumni, and Japan still holds a special place in my heart.

I was just curious to hear from any experiences regarding International High Schools in/around Tokyo – whether you were a student, parent, or even teacher!

Which international schools are most reputable? How is the international high school experience? I’m sure it depends based on the influence (American, British, etc). Also – shamefully asks – which ones compensate teachers the best?

Thank you for reading and thank you for your time 🙂

  1. Go to International Schools Review to get info on what it’s like. Sign up to Search Associates to get salary data + more.

  2. Depends on whether you’re going to be applying for proper, accredited International schools, or any “international” school. Also limiting yourself to Tokyo will limit your choices a *lot*.

    >which ones compensate teachers the best?

    The one that is most mentioned by many teachers in r/internationalteachers as a T1 International school in Tokyo would be ASIJ. Though I expect they’d be picking from the cream of the crop of applicants.

  3. Most international schools in Japan require IB experience and you can’t get a job without IB experience but you can’t get IB experience without getting a teaching job at an IB school. The best schools are extremely competitive and without experience you are very unlikely to get a job. There are schools that are easier to get into but conditions (pay, etc) won’t be as good.

  4. Hello, I’ve worked at IB international schools in Japan for the last ten plus years. Everyone’s list will be different as we all value different things. However, some popular schools for teachers in the Kanto area… in no particular order:
    ASIJ, Yokohama International School, Nishimachi, British School of Tokyo, Tokyo International School… As for compensation, I can’t say with 100% certainty as I’ve only seen some of their salary scales and some have probably changed but the listed schools should all start at 500,000+ a month. Please also take note of the fact that overseas hires and local hires get very different benefits.

    5 years full-time teaching experience is decent and it should not be overly difficult to get yourself a position at a mid to high level school. Those typically pay 350,000 to 450,000+. Good luck with your job search.

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