Having marital issues: possible to rent another apartment while I have an existing one

Hey all, this is a throwaway account. I’m having marital issue and we decided to split (not divorced; at least not yet for awhile). I currently have my name on the lease as the main person since my spouse doesn’t speak Japanese and I do so-so.

We decided to split and live separately. Is it possible to have another unit under my name? Do I have to tell city hall about this?

What’s the best way to get another apartment unit?

Thank you

Edit: thank you for those who have dropped comments. I’ve read them and very helpful!
I am more than happy to read any new ones. Forgot to mention that we have a daughter together and I don’t want to live too far away from her mother. We are discussing on coparenting and taking turns about our daughters stay with us separately and taking her to daycare etc

  1. You can have as many properties under your name as you can afford. There is no limit to the number or types of properties you can rent/own. You can only have 1 registered address though (because taxes). That being said how much time you actually spend at your registered address is something they have no way of verifying or confirming. And as long as you have a registered address nobody cares if you have multiple addresses.

    And the best way to get another apartment unit is through a real estate agency with money, lots and lots of money.

  2. I would go to a share house or a Airbnb or a cheap hotel instead. It would be a lot cheaper than the move-in fees and having to buy more furniture if it’s something only temporary.

  3. If it is temporary, get sharehouse. if it is permanent, I dont think there is any restriction to rent another unit under your name. You can confirm by asking real estate agent.

    On worst case if that is the issue, you might want to switch all billing to your spouse.

    No option for letting your spouse to move out instead?

  4. Since the apartment you are currently at is signed in your name, you are responsible for it, hence you should be looking after it. *I* would suggest you find your wife something suitable in the meantime as a kind gesture. You don’t have to, but if you still think she cares for you… Split-ups are wacky, and could entail a host of problems if not diligently followed.

  5. As already stated there is no problem with having more than one property.

    Just keep in mind, in case of a divorce, living seperatly might become very unfavorable regarding custody.

  6. Not trying to be “difficult” but if you’re going to separate why doesn’t your spouse 1. Go back to country of origin, 2. Find an agency that speaks their language and fend for themselves in a sense.
    If you’re hoping for reconciliation, great but a “break” or “trial separation” is often really just a short lived precursor to permanent separation. Again, I don’t know your situation but instead of being the “nice guy/gal” and possibly putting yourself into a potentially precarious financial/ legal situation perhaps the other party should practice some independent financial actions.
    This all coming from a previously “nice guy” that had been put in a similar situation. Not that I’ve fully learned anything.

  7. Good luck OP.
    I went thru the same thing and it helped our relationship and reconciled after a year. We had a child as well.
    Also try and make the best of it and have a little fun. There will be lots of ups and downs tho.

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