Changing working holiday visa to working visa while in Japan?

Hi! I’m intending t go on working holiday visa next year to travel around for 1 year and at the same time also searching for a job to sponsor my working visa after finishing traveling. My question is: am I allowed to apply for a working visa in an immigration office in Japan a bit before my working holiday visa expires? or do I have to go first back to my home country and apply for the working visa there?

  1. >am I allowed to apply for a working visa in an immigration office in Japan a bit before my working holiday visa expires? or do I have to go first back to my home country and apply for the working visa there?

    It depends on which country you’re from. Some are allowed to switch, some are not.

  2. I know a French guy who did it in 2012.

    However, in 2019, there is some rules that started to be enforced, before that you could change from temporary visitor (tourist) to work visa, but they got much stricter. Apparently it could be possible with working holiday, one site I found said you should ask your local embassy as it does not seems to be the same for all country.

    Worst case you have to go back to your home country to pick up the new visa and say hi to your family.

  3. I came with a whv is 2019 and changed it to a work visa!! I’m German.
    But like other people said it depends on your home country.

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