I’m in Japan right now with a single-visa entry, can I convert this to multiple entry?

I have a student visa that’s valid for one year, but it’s only single-entry. I want to change it to multiple entry because I wish to go back home during vacations.

Other than my single-entry student visa, I also my Certificate of Eligibility and Zairyu Card.

1. Is it possible to easily change from single-entry to multiple? Is this supposedly a normal/special entey permit?
2. If it is possible, do you know how long will it usually take?
3. Do I have to ask permission from my school to approve it first?
4. A bit related to #3, is it okay if the reason is to just travel freely and go back home? I don’t really have a special reason.

I have checked the Immigration Services Agency of Japan through this page: https://www.isa.go.jp/en/applications/procedures/16-5.html

I’m not sure if I also need to call/go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Thanks for the help

  1. Your single entry visa (in your passport) only gets you into the country and grants you a status of residence (SOR). The visa is now void. All that matters is your SOR as described on your zairyu card. You can leave and enter Japan as many times as you want as a resident as long as you fill out the special re-entry permit at the airport*.

    * If you want to leave for longer than a year you need a standard re-entry permit, but I can’t really see how a student could leave for more than a year and retain their SOR as a student.

  2. When you fly out, you’ll have to fill in an embarkation card at the airport. There you need to tick the box for a “special re-entry visa”. This allows you to come back within one year. You have to bring your zairyu card with you.

    Happy holidays!

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