Apply to be a JET ALT & Interact/other company ALT at the same time to secure a position?

Hi everyone,

I’m an aspiring Fall 2022 applicant and am thinking of applying to both JET and Interac, Altia, etc. at the same time in order to get a position abroad in case I end up not getting a JET position.

Does anyone have any experiences with applying to multiple programs simultaneously? Is this a good idea? Have any tips?

Thanks for all of your help! 🙂

  1. I haven’t checked in a minute, but interac and other companies like them have terrible salaries compared to JET. I wouldn’t go for it personally, but it’s up to you.

  2. Theres a few things you need to consider I think. Are you ok with rural, and when do you want to get over here?

    JET is pretty much undisputed as the best to apply for to be an ALT, but the application process is long, and can take up to a year. You’re also not guaranteed to be anywhere near where you want to go, so rural might be where you’re sent.
    If you’re alright with these two things, JET is the best route to go.

    Next is probably Altia. The general consensus is that they’re decent. One of the last decent ones. Salary isnt horrible and no pro-rated months. No clue on the hiring process though. From what I’ve heard, unless you’re applying for a specific position in a specific area, you can also be sent rural. Altia is probably the better back up for JET, if you go that route.

    Interac and the rest. Pretty much seem to be put together as, well, ranging from not great to avoid at all costs (Heart). These are the options you take if you’ve exhausted all your other options and just want to get over here (To hopefully transition into something better, sooner than later).
    Some of these options have split opinions, Interac for one. Some rate it pretty highly, some say avoid. Heard it depends on which area you’re working in.

    For the reasons stated above, I wouldn’t apply for multiple at the same time, as JET takes a long time to finish the application process. As one of the better options, you’re probably better waiting for that one to near completion before applying for the others, that have a shorter application process by comparison.
    I personally would aim for JET, while still looking at job openings for Altia, and only go for the others if those two options don’t work out.

  3. Unless you **absolutely need to go over to Japan this year for some odd reason**, go JET. If you fail, you’re likely on the backup.

    **Any** dispatch company is to be avoided if at all possible.

  4. Dispatch companies are one half step above human trafficking. I highly advise against it. You’d have more fun moving to a town in the US that has a little Tokyo or something.

  5. Interact is a really good option, and I recommend it wholeheartedly. It’s a fantastic company.


    Now, I’m logging off here so that I can watch my cherished Maroon 5 DVD and guzzle down grapefruit sour in peace.

  6. Yeah the JET application process is very long and you won’t hear whether you’re shortlisted or not until like April, whereas the other companies have a much quicker turnaround. So if you applied to all at the same time and got positions with interac + altia you’d have to decide whether to drop JET or drop the other applications. Doesn’t really make sense to apply for all at once in that respect, unless JET was your backup.

  7. From all the research and stuff I’ve seen on the topic, JET is the only reputable company, the rest are a shot in the dark. Basically the other companies serve as a stepping stone into the country, where, if you’re smart, will ditch them to find something better that’s hiring English teachers from within japan. More stressful but that’s how it is.

  8. I did the same when I applied for JET. I was an alternate so I held onto the chance that I’d get upgraded but I had the others to fall back on. Of course, this was in 2021 so it was a hot mess with all the companies anyway.
    I am glad I got onto JET however, since dispatch companies aren’t exactly the best and are well known for taking advantage of you. The only reason I considered them was to get my foot into the country to begin searching elsewhere.

  9. Assuming you are in America: keep in mind if you sign up with a dispatch company and apply to JET again, your closest consulate will be in Hawaii (you can thank expats like me who ended Guam yay).

    So you might have to take non-paid leave off to fly to Hawaii on your 200k yen a month income to get a shot at JET again.

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