Be careful of tourists

My manager just asked us to “be careful because the tourists are coming today” 😂 Be careful of what?!

Edit for context: everyone in my team works from home lol

  1. Be careful of them injecting life into this economy! Please, no!! The horror!!

    Keep their converted yennies away!

    We might have a few baddies who will steal a rucksack here, and there though.

  2. Very Japanese comment from someone who likely only knows Japan society and working culture. When I heard similar comments from my coworkers I would say in my head *It’s, ok if only you knew the world outside of Japan. I don’t fault you* while nodding my head to them replying “ですよね~” 🤣

  3. Be careful when tourists open their massive ass suitcases right in the middle of an already overcrowded Donki.
    I’ve tripped over them and crushed their things a few times 😅

  4. Not a joke here on Okinawa. The daily commute gets …interesting every summer when the streets fill with paper-drivers and right-side drivers in unfamiliar rental cars.

  5. You just know that all the news networks have their first-year staff sitting at their desk with youtube and tiktok open and mashing the refresh button; waiting for the first gaijin mask freakout to pop up before sticking it on every channel two weeks later.

  6. Depends on the context. If your workplace is close to a tourist site, you might wanna refrain from smoking outside because you might accidentally end up in their photos smoking, which for some bizarre reason can be controversial. Or something like that.

  7. On an unrelated matter, make sure to keep an eye out for complimentary GoPros at major kaitenzushi chains, starting today.

  8. Be careful, you might see some facial expressions, or maybe even a smile! Something that is a pretty rare sight in Japan recently.

  9. Please send them to my store in Kyoto, I’ll take care of them.
    Waiting for that moment since a long time…


    I’ll admit, I’ve got some trepidation going on because I’ve got visitors from the states showing up tomorrow… Admittedly they’re vaccinated but at least 2 of them have had Covid multiple times…

  11. I’ve heard similar comments and thought it was concern about mask-refusal spreading a new wave of covid, especially new variants that have not previously been in Japan.

  12. I got the first “イングリッシュメニュー?, Japanese OK?” in two years yesterday. My fragile ego is certainly at risk! Why do I find it so annoying, can someone help me?

  13. This manager is obviously on the ball.

    He definitely knows for sure that brazillions of strange foreigner man men spend thousands and thousands of pounds sterling on aeroplane tickets, so that they can come over here to burglarise houses whilst disguised as policemen and firefighters, thieve shiny red bicycles, and steal unlocked women.

  14. Depends on your job, I guess? You work in retail? Be careful of the possible sudden increase in business. you commute to a busy, central place everyday? Be careful of the possible more crowded trains (already got some of those today). Not sure why you would need to be careful, need more context.

  15. Looks like we can expect a new season of “YOUは何しに日本へ?” coming soon.

  16. Anyone who’s been to a popular tourist spot when it’s crowded with tourists knows what that means. We live in an area of Kyushu that gets more domestic tourists than foreign tourists and they can all be insufferable, so your manager may not just be referring to foreign tourists. We’ve also been to a few places that were overrun with Chinese tourists while we were there and they can be rather loud and unruly when they’re touring in groups.

  17. I am jealous of their free time and roided up currency, further driving up prices while I’m commuting to work and earning a Japanese salary paid in yen

  18. I mean, they aren’t wrong. I had to already close the mosquito net on my window, and one got trapped there already, they were trying to get to my anime figurines.

  19. Yeah be careful, you micro see someone without a mask on outside. That’s be the end of us all

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