Help with the 2025 Expo

Hi everyone, it’s my first time posting here so sorry if I’ve made any blunders.

I’ve made it a point to visit every World Expo ever since reading up on past ones, and have managed to successfully attend them in 2015 and 2021. I know that the next one’s in Japan, 2025, and this one’s special to me because it will be the first time I’ll be personally booking the tickets and independently managing the trip instead of relying on friends and family. I’m completely inexperienced with travelling alone and especially preparing for an event this huge, and the few times I have done it I’ve always flubbed up and forgotten a couple of major elements.

To avoid messing up on such a major trip, what are a lot of things I should keep in mind, and when’s the earliest I can start booking/preparing for the trip? I know it’s 3 years in advance, but I’m an extremely paranoid person when it comes to things such as this, and there’s really no time like the present to start prepping!

Thanks so much in advance everyone < 3

1 comment
  1. I’ve attended the 2005 Expo (a smaller one) in Aichi before. While the situation 20 years ago was much more different than today, I would say that you shouldn’t worry too much on the travel situation in Japan, especially the Kansai region where the Expo will take place. Transportation is certainly adequate enough for authorities to prepare this and crowds will be like any world exposition have (a lot of them). The biggest hurdle you could face is hotel accommodations. They will certainly be more expensive and don’t get your hopes up on finding a bargain. I suggest you book ahead (like at least 6 months before your arrival) to avoid disappointment. You gain no points for discounts if you book early but would be monumentally screwed if you hold on for last minute bookings (doesn’t work in Japan). And unlike the Olympics or FIFA World Cup, the expo will be held for months leading to much less fanfare compared to the former two. Other than that, just follow what the usual advice in this sub says and you’re good to go. There will be no attraction closures due to the expo for instance.

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