Interested in Japanese politics and current events? Here are a ton of Japanese videos about the Unification Church cult controversy which is a big news topic in Japan right now (Intermediate/Advanced study resource)

Context (English AP News Article):

* [EXPLAINER: The Unification Church’s ties to Japan’s politics](


* [Arita Yoshifu on Abema News]( ([Arita Yoshifu]( is a journalist who has followed the cult’s activities for the last 40 years)

* [Arita Yoshifu interview on Arc Times](

* [Arita Yoshifu interview on Democracy Times](

* [Arita Yoshifu on MBS News](

* [Journalist Suzuki Eito interview on Abema News]( – [Suzuki Eito]( runs the news site 「[やや日刊カルト新聞]( Daily Cult News)」

* [Testimony from a former cult member on MBS News](

* [TBS News hour-long special report about the Unification Church and Japanese politics](

* [Press Conference of Lawyers Against the Unification Church](

* The YouTube channel [一月万冊]( has a lot of interesting interview/discussion videos about the cult and recent events. Here are a few recent ones that I thought were interesting:
* 1. [安倍関係逮捕の動き・・・東京地検は利権キーマンの電通元専務高橋氏を狙った!オリンピック汚職に手を付けられたら自民党は崩壊する!元朝日新聞・記者佐藤章さんと一月万冊](
* 2. [安倍晋三は統一教会の票を選挙で操っていた!自民党現職議員の告白。田崎史郎、橋下徹、東国原英夫、三浦瑠麗達はカルト宗教と自民の繋がりを隠そうと必死!元朝日新聞・記者佐藤章さんと一月万冊](
* 3. [自民党政治崩壊!安倍=統一教会を隠すのに必死な政治家とマスコミ達。安倍元首相銃撃・山上容疑者を4カ月間鑑定留置、精神鑑定のウラ。元朝日新聞・記者佐藤章さんと一月万冊](

(You can find more videos on the YouTube channels that host the above videos.)

Edit: Adding a few more videos:

* [Another hour-long special report video by TBS about the Unification Church and Japanese politics](

* [Another segment by TBS about the Unification Church and Japanese politics](

* [Nippon Television Network segment about the Unification Church’s name change, in which a section of the government document was blacked out](

* [Hokkaido TV News – Former Upper House President asked Abe to provide votes from the Unification Church](

* [“The Activities of the Unification Church in Japan” – Press Conference at The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan \(English & Japanese with English interpretation\)](

  1. Thank you for getting to the trouble to compile all these links on this very topical news.

    I heard that Yamagami’s mother apologized to the Unification Church for all the inconvenience she caused to the Church, which just goes to show how brainwashed she still is.

  2. Just reading the headlines of NHK can be a great way to improve your language. Depending on the event you could be opening an entirely new area of vocabulary.

  3. Thanks for the links. I didn’t realize it was *that* church. I never knew they came to Japan, but I had a lot of experience with them in Korea.

    The first time was when I met my friend’s extended family for 추석 (a Korean holiday similar to Obon and Thanksgiving). All of his cousins were only half-Korean since church members are encouraged to marry outside of their own culture. Even though he is 10 years younger than me and we’re both gay, his family seemed to be pushing us together. His grandmother even told me, “We don’t have an American yet!”

    To me it seems no different from Mormonism. It’s a batshit crazy faith that works really hard to spread and accumulate wealth. Still most of the actual members are lovely people who’re just being taken advantage of.

  4. My japanese isn’t there yet but thanks, always had an interest on this kind of topics

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