Employee health check

Need to do the health check thing before starting my new job.

What do I say in Japanese when I call the hospital to make an appointment?

  1. If you don’t know what to say, find an English clinic. If you don’t speak Japanese well enough to manage a health check, even if you perfectly utter your perfectly prepared question, the follow-up question(s) will throw you off, or whatever they ask at the actual clinic when you do go.

    You job should have a list of suggested clinics, and a lot of companies even have a list of English-friendly clinics.

  2. The company will probably provide you with a list of required tests, so make sure you find a clinic (generally you don’t go to a hospital for this, though some offer tailored service) that can accomodate.

    English services will generally cost more, i.e. here is one option found with some googling


    If you can search in Japanese, you can probably find similar services at about half the price.

  3. 健康診断の予約をお願いします。Kenko shindan no yoyaku wo o-nei-gai-shimasu. It means, “Health check appointment, please.”

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