Rakuten mobile reception problem

So i switched to rakuten mobile a while ago, and i experience problems with my reception (in the midst of central tokyo). Phone calls breaking, difficult with 4G internet etc. I asked at the rakuten store and they blamed it on that i have an old iphone (iphone 10) and that it works good with newer >11 iphone. Is this correct?

Anyone experience the same problem with older, or also on newer iphone?, will it be fixed if i get a newer iphone?

  1. Rakuten is notorious for having crappy reception. Especially since they stopped using their partner network in parts of Tokyo.

    I have a brand new phone on their compatibility list and it often has no reception when entering large buildings or basements. In some areas of Chiba, it’s hard to even get one bar.

  2. I’m on a iPhone 13 and I only really experience signal issues intermittenly when using certain subway lines (e.g. passing through Ikebukuro on the Fukutoshin Line). Other places tend to be fine.

  3. From what others have told me, this is just normal with Rakuten.

    No, having a newer phone isn’t going to make a difference. The radios are the same for 4G.

  4. Older iThings have issues switching from KDDI back to the Rakuten band when you come back into coverage while on roaming. Its common to a lot of older phones, not just Apple. For Samsung, Huawei, etc. it was fixed in a later phone software update on some models.

  5. It’s not. I have an iPhone 11 Pro and my friend has iPhone 12, but crappy connection everywhere. Thinking of switching to UQ

  6. Yeah I had no reception neither when trying to use PayPay on the 6th floor at Ikebukuro Big Camera. It stated 圏外 even though I was in the center of Tokyo!

  7. This was tolerable when it was free, but now I’m thinking is it worth the pain 🤔

  8. It’s not just you. In Osaka, Kyoto, and Kobe, I find I get perfect reception on the street, but as soon as I walk into a shop or something, reception drops off quickly. This happened on my old iPhone SE and my new iPhone 13. Reception might be *slightly* better on the 13, but not enough to make a real difference.

    Then again I routinely use 100+ gigs of data a month, and I get reception all the places I really need it, so… for 3,000 yen, I’ll take it.

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