Japan to allow hotels to refuse guests shunning infection prevention measures – The Mainichi

Japan to allow hotels to refuse guests shunning infection prevention measures – The Mainichi


  1. Can’t wait for foreigners who are too good for masks to blame this on “xenophobia.”

  2. Cant wait to see the unstoppable force of increased inbound tourism due to yen devaluation meet the unmoveable object of obsessive mask rules in japan.

  3. On my flight from the US to Japan, every single Japanese flyer didn’t wear a mask in the US airport and didn’t put one on until we landed in Japan and the flight attendant said they needed to be on once we hit 10,000 feet over Japan. Looks to me like people know these “infection prevention measures” are bullshit and only going along with them out of fear of reprisal.

    Downvote all you want, these are facts.

  4. Watch them use this as an excuse to reject foreigners and get around the hotel law by claiming the person wasn’t following safety measures.

  5. no law to wear mask.. this is all what u have to know..if someone stand in my way I sue for racism.. they all move away..scared as chicken… the world took mask off long time ago.. japanese love the mask to hide their sad faces

  6. This mask obsession is pathetic. I can’t wait to leave this country, I laugh at all the people masked up alone in their cars, and walking around outside.

  7. I pretty much hve never used a mask this whole time. Never on the trains and rarely in hotels….have never had a problem….

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