Doubts about moving to Japan as a junior dev

Hi there Reddit!

I’ve never posted about something this serious but since I found this thread here I go (I’m sorry if it takes too long, I’ll try to summarize my story as much as possible).

I’m a European guy in his mid-20’s that finished a technical degree (in Europe we call it VET or vocational education and training) in computer programming. Right now I’m working for a small software company as a junior developer with a part-time contract earning the minimum salary of my field (It’s no big deal since I live with my parents and I’m saving almost everything) and attending a 3-years online Bs degree about computer science.

I have wanted to move to Japan for a long time, spent a lot of time reading and gathering information about programs, schools, organizations, etc. My Japanese level is, let’s say, really basic… I attended an intensive course not long ago where I learned the basics to survive there but not even close to working.

Also, I’ve been with a Japanese girl in a relationship for a few years. We started here but she moved to Tokyo. Since then it’s been a long-distance relationship, she has been visiting me and my family but unfortunately when I was planning to visit her with my plane tickets the current situation that we’re all living screwed everything… But now that things are getting better I’m planning to go as soon as I can for a couple of weeks so I can spend time with her, meet her family in person and get my first contact with the country.

My goal is to move to Japan next year with enough money to learn Japanese for at least 1 year, try to find a part-time job there to cover my expenses, and then find an IT-related. Of course, I’ve talked all this with my GF she’s working right now full-time with a good contract and living with their family, and if I moved we would move both to a new place so I wouldn’t be alone in this.

Having said all this I’d like to ask you few things and I’d be happy to listen to your answers and suggestions/tips.

* Is it realistic to move once I have 1 year of experience in my job (in like 8 months) and around 10k/€ of budget? I know life in Tokyo is expensive and I have been saving a lot of money giving up on a lot of things here just to accomplish my dream.
* Is a B’s degree totally mandatory in Japanese IT-related fields? It’s actually something that I want to finish to have more chances to get a job since I heard that companies need to prove that foreigners have one in order to hire them. But to be honest I don’t need it here or at least no company has asked for it or give it importance (and I’m receiving offers from Linkedin almost every week) so if I know I can go ahead just with the experience I would rethink my current situation.

1 comment
  1. >Is a B’s degree totally mandatory in Japanese IT-related fields?

    It is not mandatory for a job. It is ***absolutely*** mandatory to get a working visa.

    I’m assuming that by “learn Japanese for at least 1 year” you mean attending language school? You can get a student visa for that. However, unless you have a bachelor’s degree you ***cannot*** get a working visa to remain after language school.

    >Is it realistic to move once I have 1 year of experience in my job

    It would be better to have 2-3 years. You’ll be in a much better position in terms of career development and salary.

    >around 10k/€ of budget?

    Assuming your girlfriend is actually moving in, and can assist with the costs, it will easily be enough. If you’re doing it solo it will still be doable, but you’ll burn a *lot* of it just getting your apartment set up.

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