For you, personally, how long did it take to learn kanji?

I’m studying Japanese with a few different sources and learning quickly enough for myself. I average about 15 minutes to understand/memorize a word in the context I learned it in, which is enough for my goals so far. But kanji is a bit of a mystery to me so far. I can recognize some but not all of the ones from words I’ve learned.


Currently, for kanji I’m mainly using renshuu and wanikani, and trying to recognize the ones from my vocabulary as I learn them.


What I’m curious about is how long it takes you specifically to learn a kanji character, or if that’s too specific a general idea of how long it took for it to click for you.


Thank you in advance!

Edit: Edited for clarification

  1. Depending on the character and its usage, anywhere from a few minutes to several months or years

    I very much doubt you have ever “fully understood/memorized” anything except the most simple words with a direct equivalent in English in 15 minutes (and words like that are relatively rare unless you’re already fairly advanced). It takes a lot more exposure (with context) than that to grasp all possible nuances

  2. It entirely depends on the Kanji. Some I see once and never forget them. And some I’ve quizzed myself on hundreds of times and still go blank when they comes up. In general though I would say it takes a week to a month for me to remember a kanji as long as I’m actively keeping up with studying.

  3. Five years of half-assing plus a year of actually trying.

    For the former, I internalized what I kept seeing without necessarily reviewing or trying to find and learn purposefully what I didn’t already know. I learned about 500 kanji doing this.

    Then when the pandemic hit, I actually got around to using Anki and it took about a year to go through the rest of the jōyō kanji in the context of vocabulary at a rate of 5 to 8 new kanji and 5 to 20 new words per day, depending on how well I remember encountering a given kanji before. Making the flashcards took longer than the reviews themselves at 30 minutes to 2 hours. Reviews were more like 15 minutes.

  4. I think I know like 800-900 kanji and I have been studying for over 1800 hours

    I feel overall my progress is pretty slow compared to other people

    but that’s what I got


    According to Kanji grid, I know more than I thought…? According to that plug-in I know these kanji:

    Grade 1: all

    Grade 2: all

    Grade 3: 97%

    Grade 4: 89%

    Grade 5: 88%

    Grade 6: 79%

    JuniorHS+: 44.14% 🙁

    JuniorHS+ is where I’m missing the most, like 620 kanji from that bracket

  5. It depends on the kanji entirely. For me, if a kanji is tough in my Anki reviews, its mostly because I actually have not seen or heard the word being used in context, outside of that deck. Usually, at some point I do hear it while watching anime and then it sort of solidifies in my memory.

  6. I tried to learn the on and kun readings of every kanji a few months ago and learning the kanjis through different words a few months later, gave me a better understanding

  7. Played a couple of games in Japanese off and on for about 2 years, watched attack on titan seasons 1+2 (season 3 wasn’t out at the time) over a span of about a month and used RTK to go through 2200 kanji in just a month

    I didn’t start to memorize most of them until after reading 3 novels in Japanese
    They were insanely hard but after the 3rd one was done, I got down to not knowing 2-3 words per page but have a terrible habit of guessing through context

    All in all
    3 ish years

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