How to say pardon/sorry?

I’m in Japan right now, I am half japanese and somewhat fluent but I do forget how to say things sometimes. How do I say pardon or sorry when I dont understand what someone is saying and I need them to repeat? Or in general what is a good thing to say when you don’t understand what someone is saying?

  1. わかりません means “I don’t understand.” もういちどおねがいします、ゆっくりおねがいします means “One more time please, slowly please.”

  2. The longest and most polite way to put it is this:

    Once you say it politely, I think the rest of the time you can say “すみません” + appropriate begging-a-pardon gesture, and she/he would rephrase it without offending.

    すみません、よく聞こえなかったので、もういちどお願いできますか? (Sorry, I didn’t hear you well, could you repeat that?)

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