Has anyone circumvented paying an outrageously high ルームクリーニング費 before?

I’m signing my fourth apartment lease today and the cleaning fee is outrageously high for a room under 30m².

The fee is ¥60,500 and I just know I’m not going to pay that when I move out.

Is there a way to bypass it at move out? In the case I can’t negotiate the price down is there a way to stop automatic payments prior to move out so they cannot take it without my permission?

  1. Is that the price of one months rent? In my recent experience ‘room cleaning on moveout’ fees have replaced key money etc. Maybe you can try to negotiate with the estate agent to remove/lower it prior to signing the contract.

  2. Are they spraying Ag+ Gold Fairy Dust in the room to clean it?

    I’ve never heard of cleaning fees costing more than the room itself.

    It must be a catch-all maintenance deposit, because that is ludicrous.

  3. I’m guessing it means that when you move out you don’t have to feel bad about leaving a shit stained toilet? That’s my plan at least. To not clean up because I’ve already agreed to not getting my deposit back.

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