It’s not possible to use a Romaji keyboard on the Apple Watch?

I feel like I’ve done enough research to get an answer, but posting here just because I hate the kana keyboard so much.

I’m attempting to get a Japanese romaji keyboard on my Apple Watch, but it seems like it’s not supported. Kana only? Anyone have any information on this?

## Configuration

**WatchOS:** 9.0.2
**iOS:** 16.0.3

**iPhone device keyboards:**
English (UK), Japanese Romaji, Japanese Kana

**Watch App settings:**
Preferred Language: English
Secondary Language: Japanese


This gives me an English watch interface (ideal), but the following keyboards:
– English (Japan) scribble (doesn’t seem to allow Japanese scribbling)
– English (UK) keyboard
– English (UK) Scribble
– Japanaese keyboard (Kana interface)

**The Problem**
If I remove the ‘kana’ keyboard from my Phone settings, I have the following on my watch:
– English (Japan) scribble (doesn’t seem to allow Japanese scribbling)
– English (UK) keyboard
– English (UK) Scribble
– Japanaese dictation (voice only)

– Even if I switch to a primary Japanese setting a Japanese interface, I still have no Romaji keyboard.
– Even if I remove English entirely, I still don’t have a romaji keyboard.
– I know I can use my phone to type, I was hoping for a watch solution to avoid getting my phone out all the time. But with Kana keyboard it’s faster to use my phone..

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