Notice period

I have been working at a company for two years now and am ready to look for other jobs. It is a Japanese IT company with fairly less workers. The boss is kind and nice to me all the time. Although his wife, who also works as HR in that company, can get a bit rude sometimes to everyone, but nothing problematic.

I saw that my contract says the notice period for quitting is two months, which I consider too long. I think one month makes more sense as otherwise I would end up losing opportunities. I am thinking once I land a job, I will give them one month notice.

However, I am worried how this will go. Recruiters told me 2 months is too long, but I also don’t want to piss off my employer. I have heard people get fired sometimes for wanting to leave the company. Of course, I will tell my employer once I have a job offer in hand.

Any suggestions/ advice?

Thank you.

  1. Two weeks is the notice you should give, generally speaking, if you’ve been somewhere that long. Use your paid leave if reasonably possible. It won’t get paid out.

  2. Any company worth their salt will wait for your resignation time. I had one wait for about 4-5 months for me because I needed to finish up my project and they were understandable. (Would you want someone that abandon their project, or one that finish up their responsibilities first?).

    After you get the offer on hand, you’re free to negotiate the startup date. Don’t worry that much. If the recruiter is giving you a hard time, just say you need around one month after the offer signed. Then tell them that after giving your notice, your old company ask for two months. The recruiter would rather have you late rather than you running away and they won’t see their commission.

  3. Unless there is a clause in your employment contract that says something like “if employee gives proper 2 month notice for quitting, there will be a 100,000 yen severance bonus,” they really can’t do much to you for not giving the 2 months notice nor do you have any incentive to do so if you have confirmed your next job.

    Not giving the proper 2 month notice is at worst breaking the company rules. The worst possible thing that can happen to someone who breaks a company rule is get fired. A person who gets fired before his next confirmed job just gets some extra vacation time.

  4. It’s two weeks, bucko!

    But, I have a feeling you’re quitting because of the boss’ wife, although you didn’t specify it exactly.

    If you’re in good with the boss, can shoot the shit with him, stop him in the middle of the desk isle for just casual talk, you got this.

    I was in a similar situation where the boss loved me, and the wife didn’t like me because we were two complete opposites. The boss loved playstation, and VR. The wife thought this stuff was childish. So, at first I thought during the employee review I was toast because the wife thought I was a man-child, but nope…

    All perfect scores across the board. Because the boss liked me, and would talk about me to others, whoever did my review had no choice but to give me favorable marks.

    You’ve been working at this company for 2 years, you have tenure, your salary is paid on time, why leave? Forget about the cranky lady. She likes to play lieutenant, but her influence is cadet-level. In each, and every job where you aren’t the boss, you’re going to have lieutenants, or co-workers be pissy.

    Just a fact of life, man.

  5. stop trying to satisfy everyone else. Move on. Don’t be surprised if the guy asks you to help find your replacement. Put an add in craigslist for him/her.

    Side question: did they insist on you speaking business level Japanese?

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