Where to find an English tutor?

Hi everyone. I’m currently looking for an English tutor for my Japanese husband. We live in Tokyo but would like to start with online lessons due to covid, and eventually would like to do face to face tutoring if possible. I’ve checked and used Hello Sensei and Enjoy Lesson, but none of the people I contacted replied me… Would love to know what are the other legit places I should check.
(Or, if you are interested, send me a DM!)


  1. I do teaching through Cosmopolitan village.
    Or you could just contact me directly and we could work out a lesson plan.

  2. Just a warning to you, 99% of anyone you find is not going to be a language expert, qualified teacher, or really any better than any random first language speakers of English.

    If your husband as a specific goal, like Eiken or TOEFL, it might be easier to find people who at least have experience prepping people for that.

  3. I’d recommend italki as people with qualifications can be found there. Moving to in person may be tricky though.

  4. I know someone who has their own school (a small one, mainly just him I think). He is pretty good and passionate about his work. He cares about helping the student. I can relay his info if you dm me.

  5. my partner used native camp, seemed okay but my friend used it and was not happy with her lessons. so ig it’s a hit or miss.

  6. This depends on what kind of lessons you’re looking for, and whether or not you care that the lesson is given by a qualified teacher.

    English teachers who will happily take your hard earned despite their lack of teaching credentials are a dime a dozen. If you don’t care about quality, then just do a google and hire the first person you come across.

    If you care about quality and don’t want to waste money on someone who will talk at him and then charge you 4,000 yen, then you should find someone who has actual qualifications as well as experience.

    This is especially important if he needs English for a specific purpose, such as academic or business purposes. That requires specialized knowledge.

    Can you be more specific, especially in regard to his level and purpose?

  7. Hi!
    I saw your post and I would like to work with you.
    I have 1 year of teaching experience, and my hourly rate is 3$.
    Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your response!

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