Shinagawa immigration (Oct 2022)

I have to go to the immigration bureau to apply for a visa extension tomorrow, so I wanted to see if anyone’s been there recently and what the system is like now. I read about an online reservation system, but it seems to have been stopped for the time being… was also wondering about the time slot ticket system.

Thanks in advance!

  1. You may also want to try asking in /r/Tokyo.

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  2. Went last month. It’s back to normal.

    No time slot tickets and no reservations, just rock up and enjoy a movie or podcast while waiting. I was in and out in about 2 hours.

  3. I was there yesterday. Arrived 2:30pm left 6pm. I did apply for my extension late do, so should of left around 4:30pm.

  4. was there a couple weeks ago, get there early and be prepared for it to take multiple hours. Not sure what you mean by time slot ticket system but depending on what you’re there for you’ll get tickets and be bounced around multiple different stations

  5. Haven’t been there in a long time but, if business is back to normal, you would like to be there early (at least before opening hours) if you want to leave early. If there are 100+ people before you the waiting line could be quite exhausting.

  6. Its fucking incredible that the largest city in the country that houses the largest foreign population has one immigration centre that takes hours to get through.

    I swear to God, in Yokohama you’re practically in and out in 20 minutes.

    Typical Japan. Why the individual wards can’t handle each immigration request is beyond me. There are probably more foreign residents in one ward than there are in entire regions of Japan.

  7. They just opened a new immigration office in Chiba.. how about try that place out?

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