I want to know

If any of you know, please share with me manners that are found in japan, from social to eating to anything, manner wise, what would be expected of me in the everday life of japan?

  1. Don’t eat and walk

    Don’t stick chopsticks into food

    Don’t pass food chopstick to chopstick

    いただきます and ごちそうさまでした before and after eating

    Bowing ofc

  2. If you’re out in public, put rubbish in your bag and carry it home. Be quiet on trains and do not answer any phone calls while on them. Also, while you’re waiting for the train on the platform, stand to the side of the doors so people can get off before you get on. When walking, follow the flow especially on stairs or escalators. Usually people will walk on the left side of stairs. On escalators people will stand on the left and leave the right free for people walking up the escalators

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