JONAH/Okada: the second coming of Vader/Inoki… what a pairing

JONAH/Okada: the second coming of Vader/Inoki… what a pairing

  1. Wasting Jonah on his run as Bronson Reed was one of the biggest mistake made in nxt, such a great athlete.

    Glad to see he landed on his feet

  2. I hope those stories of him coming back to the ‘E are false. He’s always been awesome, but this environment feels like a perfect fit for him.

  3. Comparable, but both have miles and miles to walk before they are on the same level of those two Titans.

  4. This was my favourite match from the other night. Such a different pace. I wish they had paid off the “bodyslam” a little better (Okada seemed to struggle, struggle and when he finally succeeded … just hit another one and the match kept going), but this was a blast. I hope Jonas does not go to WWE.

  5. JONAH and TMDK have been such a breath of fresh air for such a stale product. They’ve consistently been the best parts of the show for me, and JONAH v Okada has fucked real hard both times we’ve had it.

  6. Jonah is the biggest and most pleasant surprise that’s come in to NJPW in years. I hope he sticks around, give him the New Japan Cup this upcoming year!

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