How to get a package delivered without wife knowing?

My wife’ birthday is coming soon and I have been looking at various stores online to find a present for her. I found something I like but also realized that it is an online shop with no walk-in stores or pickup options. My wife is a housewife who will collect and open any package or letter arriving at our house. I am scratching my head for good ideas on whether it is possible to get delivery to a local convenience store, pickup box or similar in order to avoid the wife opening her own present on arrival, ruining the surprise element for her birthday. Any advise would be highly appreciated.

For info: I live in Tokyo and I don’t really have friends or colleagues where I feel I can ask them to receive a delivery.

  1. Also, you could just tell your wife that you’ve bought her present online and don’t open the package when it arrives 🙂

    Then it’s up to her to choose:

    1) don’t open it
    2) open it and check it out, and then act surprised by the gift on the day 🙂

    That also alleviates any potentially disastrous scenarios where your wife discovers that you’ve received a package in secret from her.

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