Trouble learning kanji sounds?

I’ve been doing an Anki deck for kanji and common phrases etc. and while I’m able to pick up the meaning I have trouble remembering the pronunciation. I use little tricks like making an image out of the kanji to remember the meaning but I don’t have any tricks to remember the reading.

any tips to help this?

  1. This is not a valid way to learn readings imo. There’s too many readings per kanji. Memorizing readings works for Japanese students who already speak the language and only have to map sounds to a database of words that already exist in their heads, but trying to do everything all at once just makes no sense. I recommend you learn words instead of readings and only worry about writing when you’re writing.

  2. I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong, readings are just the tough part at the begging. For one, it’s unfamiliar symbols to unfamiliar sounds instead of unfamiliar symbols to familiar meaning, and it’s easier to fudge the meaning but if you don’t know the reading it will be obvious.

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