Would Katsuya won a few titles if he wasn’t injured ? What faction do you think he would be in?

Would Katsuya won a few titles if he wasn’t injured ? What faction do you think he would be in?

  1. Probably stayed at Hontai and won trios belt. But if he’s on All Japan, put them with Zeus and Bodyguard and let the Big Guns a trio.

  2. Would have gotten pushed faster than other YLs because of his age and physique, but I think he would have settled into the midcard. Didn’t have the ring ability of his contemporary YLs like Wato or GoK.

  3. Probably the most similar wrestler to him was Manubu Nakanishi. Strong background in amateur wrestling. Muscular physique. Pro wrestling skill… OK. Kitamura was unusual having the late start to his pro career. I think he was 30 when he had his first match?

    I think he would have won a few titles, and I do mean specifically a few. He is credible as a wrestler due to amateur skills and strength. But I don’t see him as someone who could do a lot of main events. I think he would win a few titles (including tags), but would not have long reigns. Which is fine. I mean, I didn’t hate having Nakanishi around.

    Faction? Hard to say. Hontai and Chaos both make sense to me.

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