Looks like the tax bureau will be knocking on the company door any minute now.

Hello people of JapanLife!

Just wanted to share this with the people here cause I think it’s ridiculous (my company that is) and also to get some opinions and reactions.

So quick rundown, I’ve been working at this company in Tokyo for about a year or so. It’s pretty small but the people are nice barring a few.

Turns out, the big bosses have been dodging taxes for God knows how long. We’ve received multiple calls and mails saying that the company hasn’t paid its taxes and it looks like we recieved a call today asking if “were in the office”. I’ve told her about the issue as well as all I got was a “I’ll handle it” response.

Looks like I’m not bringing any personal belongings to work for a little while. Don’t want my iPad getting nabbed by the tax office.

  1. Start looking for a new job right now but don’t actually quit until you are laid off

  2. Interesting.

    My wife’s previous company had some HUGE scandal in their China branch and news reporters actually came to their Japan branch seeking comment.

  3. I’d advise activating your Nenkin Net account (if you haven’t already) or using MyNumber card to log into Nenkin Net and check your pension record to make sure all your months with this employer are appearing as contributed.

    If they have been dodging taxes, there’s a chance they have also been forgetting to pay Shakai Hoken too.

    Nenkin Net: https://www.nenkin.go.jp/n_net/

    Also keep ALL your payslips which show that you’ve been having taxes, Shakai Hoken, and employment insurance withheld at source by your employer.

  4. My husband had to deal with the tax office after one of the execs embezzled tens of millions of yen over 7 years through a shadow company. He was working until midnight some days sorting that shit out as he works for the finance department. Luckily they’ve appeased the tax office for now, but it’ll certainly have repercussions in years to come.

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