NHK’s new proposal to fee structure now includes a penalty for people who don’t sign a contract within 2 months of a TV purchase…

I don’t think this has made the rounds here, but this is apparently going to take place next April:

The new proposal lowers fees for certain types of broadcast, but now also will double the subscription fees (not clear if it’s a one-time penalty or otherwise) for those who fail to contract with NHK after acquiring a qualified device.

Nothing on grandfathering, etc., at the moment though.

  1. Had a flick through the article. This does kind of feel like the angry death throes of the TV license system. Highly doubt this will get implemented, it doesn’t seem possible to implement.

  2. I received a letter from them without a name, just my address.
    You know what happened? It went straight into my paper shredder! ahh feels good :))

  3. I got caught by them once because I thought it was a package I was expecting around the same time (I was too excited to check through my monitor). They had an English pamphlet ready too so I couldn’t play the gaijin card, so I gave them a fake phone number and never heard from them again.

  4. Literally don’t have a TV or have plans to buy one, and infact never had one in my 6 years here—- but they still contact me and try make me pay, door knock, etc…. Get fucked.

  5. Pretty much the only motivation I would have for becoming Japanese is to vote for the anti-NHK party.

  6. The only thing that worries me is if they start trying to force their way into “hurrdurr you get internet so you should pay”. I’ve gone out of my way to make sure I don’t get tv. I don’t have wanseg, I don’t have a car with a tv tuner. I’ve done this because I’m a bitter old man who doesn’t like the fact that nhk is NOT a neutral broadcaster, so they can just piss off

  7. I kept ignoring them until my kid was born. They would rang doorbell right at the time when baby was sleeping and wake the baby up. Finally gave up and signed the contract it’s been 8 years now. Those f¥&kers.

  8. Never paid in over 20 years. And haven’t had an encounter/exchange in ages. And we have a house. These days we simply don’t get surprise visitors, we know about packages or food, etc. and friends text on the way. Zero reason to answer the door and start the old, “nihongo wa tabemasen” routine.

  9. If I wasn’t so busy I’d follow these fuckers around after they buzz my door. See how they like it.

  10. I always pretend I don’t understand Japanese when the NHK guy comes around. My husband has told me many times that whenever NHK shows up at the house don’t say anything and don’t sign anything. The NHK fee is excessive, IMO, and I don’t watch live TV, anyway, so I don’t want to pay it. I get my TV shows from the streaming services almost exclusively.

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