Moving to Japan after graduation

Hi. I’m planning to move to Japan after i finished High school, and every time i look questions of mine up there’s just information on exchange years for college/university. I’ve already been on a HS exchange when I was younger to Japan and it is my biggest dream to complete move there once I’m done with school. Can I just like anyone else apply to a regular university and finish my complete uni/college education there? Not for one year for 5 years or smh and then somehow change my status? Im so tired of only finding answers on one year exchange. Please let me know where should I start?

  1. Why don’t you start by looking at the admissions pages of Japanese universities you might want to go to.

  2. You can apply at (I guess) any university, but you would need to pay the tuition fee and they are not cheap. But I know at least one graduate student here in Tokyo, who is going to university and she’s working part time. So, it should somehow be possible I guess. Also, I’m not sure how good your Japanese needs to be, but some of the bigger universities, should have courses in English and should be able to accept foreigners and be able to help you with everything. I’d try e.g. Waseda or Todai for a start. Look on their website if you can find any information on making your degree.

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