“The Son of Strong Style”! Jump onboard the Bandwagon

Holy fuck! I love where they are going with Ren Narita. The only other thing they could have done is to let Shibata come with him to the ring and coach him and give him a couple of slaps each match to wake him up etc.

In any case, I have high hopes for him and now look forwarded to see each match that involves him. Just hope they keep him out of all “funny” stuff and build him as “the second coming of Shibata”.

Are you also onboard the Narita Wagon?

  1. I’ve liked everything I’ve seen from him but I just finished watching his match with Juice. He’s my guy now, I’m all in on Ren.

  2. im all in after that juice match lmao. him bloody and grabbing the ref and then running into the ring to fight juice really sparked the imagination on what he can do on the bigger stage

  3. Son of Strong Style is an awesome nickname. Maybe I was just hearing things, but I felt I heard parts of Nakamura’s “Subconcious” theme in Narita’s. Narita being a hybrid of Nakamura and Shibata sounds awesome to me.

  4. In a few years, Shota, Uemura, Narita, Tsuji & Wato are going to be looked back at as an absolutely ridiculous class. It’s a damn shame what happened to Kitamura.

    EDIT – and I fucking forgot about Oka – Khan

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