What do you like about winter?

As we hit the colder days my heart sinks more and more as the beautiful weather disappears. I actually prefer summer in Japan over winter. Crazy I know

How would you sell winter to someone in Japan? What do you like to do? What is there to look forward to other than always being slightly cold?

(I don’t really like winter sports)

  1. I love winter in Tokyo. I never need to turn on my heater because it’s very warm. To me it’s honestly like winter in the south.

  2. Illuminations, kotatsus, nabe, outdoor onsens where you can see the snow falling, and last but not least, not being woken up by the sun at 4am.

  3. Winter hiking. No more mosquitoes. Wider range of clothes I can wear. Better skin health. I sleep better.

  4. No bugs. I personally prefer winter dressing with sexy jackets over plain summer dressing. You can wear beanies and winter hats and that covers your hair too if you have bad hair day.

  5. Yeah, me too. I come from tropical country so summer in Japan is pleasant while winter is real struggle. The only positive thing I can think of is winter clothes is dope, but they are still a nuisance to wear when go out.

  6. Winter is my fav. Last year I bought an electric blanket for my bed. Best purchase of my life. I also bought an electric cushion that you put your feet in so when I’m sitting at my desk my toes don’t freeze off.

    But I love winter. Hot drinks, nabe, heavy blankets, cuddly pajamas and hoodies, my cat sleeping in my bed to keep me warm, hot baths after being out in the cold all day. Ugh I love it.

    The only con: getting out of the shower, getting up in the morning from my cocoon of warmth, and going outside underdressed and having to suffer that brutal wind.

  7. I enjoy not dripping sweat all over my students’ textbooks, but i hate the wet cold, asthma flare-ups, riding motorcycle with numbing wind, absence of wildlife, etc etc…… so basically will only like no sweat. At least in Colorado even with snow on the ground you can go short-sleeved on a sunny day. Winter sucks here.

  8. Well I like walking about without sweating like Leonardo DiCaprio visiting a women’s college.

  9. As others have said, it rains so little and it’s pretty sunny while not being __too__ cold. I find it like one of the perfect times to go cycling.

  10. I love that it’s cold, dark and snowy. Everything is quieter and more beautiful. Also love being toasty warm inside, watching the snow falling through the window. Going to the onsen, snowboarding, eating hot food, wearing clothes that feel like blankets.

    /Basically I moved to Hokkaido from the tropics because I freaking love winter and spend the other seasons waiting for it to be winter again.

  11. I can actually go outside without feeling like I’m dying.

    I don’t have to bring 2 pairs of clothes to work because I will sweat through one.

    I can actually smell things again


    Better fashion

    I like feeling chilly (hard to say *cold* in Osaka)

    Less bugs

    Less people outside

    Hot coffee on a walk

    Kitsune Udon


    Walking around while tipsy feels better in the cold air

    Not summer

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