Is this dentist stealing my money?

A year after moving to a new city, I decided it wouldn’t hurt to get my teeth cleaned/checked. For my first visit, they cleaned only my bottom teeth and told me that they can’t clean my top teeth until after they handle a cavity. And so I went back the next week for them to do the filling and the entire procedure ended in like 10 mins… or so I thought. They drilled the tooth and stuck some kind of clay in there and told me to come back next week. This was 2 months ago and I’ve been going to the dentist every week since then for them to do the same 10 min check. I asked how many more visits and they said 4-5, but that was 5 visits ago and now they’re just now talking about making the permanent mold. I was told it’ll take 4 more visits this last time I went, but I don’t even understand why it’s taking so long. Not to mention my tooth hurting for 2-3 days after each visit. Is this common in Japan with fillings?!??
Please share your experience/knowledge

  1. Yeah, this is normal. You’re paying something like < 1000 yen per each visit right? Since your insurance covers the rest. It’s common to spread a procedure across several visits here.

  2. It’s normal to spread things across a few visits, but but you’re on 8 visits for a cleaning and a filling. This is not normal, and your dentist is fucking with you. Find a new one.

  3. Every filling I’ve ever had here was done in one sitting. Cleanings were another day but they did full cleaning top and bottom. I once had a dentist that split the cleanings and I just never went to that clinic again screw that.

  4. I think 4 or 5 visits is excessive. It should have been 1 visit to make the mold, 1 more to put the crown/inlay in assuming that’s what you opted for. Resin fillings or silver mercury amalgams (not used anymore AFAIK) should only be 1 visit.

  5. Go to a different dentist! You’re going to an absolute clown! There will be better places to go! I always recommend Shinjuku Park Dental clinic but I also often hear good things about Trust Dental

  6. Sounds exactly like what I went through for a root canal, not just a simple filling.
    Still excessive, but different…

  7. Sounds like you got a root canal. They have to keep it clean and make sure you’re healed before they seal it off or you could get an infection.

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