Japanese documentary filmmaker gets additional prison time in Myanmar

Japanese documentary filmmaker gets additional prison time in Myanmar


  1. Ten. Ten goddamn years. This guy is 26 and pretty much the most genuine, most caring young man you can hope to meet.

    Note the word “immediate”, though. They do seem to be hinting that negotiations are not futile. So if you know anyone vaguely relevant, please do ask them to take this seriously instead of treating Toru like a godforsaken human chess piece in a game none of us ever asked to play.

    Don’t let the world forget that Toru is real.

    For that matter, listen to what he himself has asked us to do, and don’t let the world forget that the people of Myanmar are real.

  2. Miss the days where you could park a ship on the coast with the cannons pointed and say “release our people or will fuck you up”

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